
Bulbophyllum annandalei chid plant


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I have 7-12 kind of bulbophyllum from the forest in Vietnam. It is available to buy from 1 set to more.

1. 🌿Bulbophyllum levinei, it is tiny mounted orchids plant: $25/one set with 25-30 leaves and many stems.

2. 🌿Bulbophyllum striatum – Mounted/ Wild orchid plant: $20/one set, there are 8-10 plants.

3. 🌿Bulbophyllum umbellatum – Mounted orchids: $22/ one set, there are 8-10 plants.

4.🌿 Bulbophyllum andersonii – forest orchid plant: $22, there are 8-10 plants/one set.

5.🌿 Bulbophyllum annandalei: $32/ set. There are 8-10 plants.

6.🌿 bulbophyllum macraei: $18/set. There are 10-12 plants.

7.🌿 Bulbophyllum panisea: $32/set.

8.🌿 Bulbophyllum violaceolabellum, wild orchid plant: $25, there are 8-10 plants/one set.

9. 🌿Bulbophyllum affine – Mounted orchid: $18/ one set, there are 8-10 plants.

10. 🌿Bulbophyllum nematocaulon – Super tiny wild orchid plants: $32, there are many plants, size 10x15cm.

These are Vietnamese wild orchids, all are clusters of plants collected by local people, they are being cared for at the orchid garden of “Maryplant”. When you buy them, you need to plant/attach them to a substrate such as bark, board, charcoal, etc. Make sure the substrate has good drainage. You need to water them once a day in the morning before 10am. Humidity should be maintained at 40-60%. Sunlight from 50-70%. Wild orchids are very healthy, you just need to water them and reward them with a little organic fertilizer. Please send me a message if you are more interested in them and need more actual pictures.

1 review for Bulbophyllum annandalei chid plant

  1. admin

    Aliquam fringilla euismod risus ac bibendum. Sed sit amet sem varius ante feugiat lacinia. Nunc ipsum nulla, vulputate ut venenatis vitae, malesuada ut mi. Quisque iaculis, dui congue placerat pretium, augue erat accumsan lacus

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