
Oncidium Twinkle Pink Orchid Plant


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Twinkle pink orchid plant is getting many the spikes of bud as show. Buy then take good care of it. You will have a fragrant space from it every day. Cough durability lasts 3-4 weeks. A flower pot like the one in the picture can keep its flowers for up to 2 months. Let’s make offer to reserve it for you.


1) Planting Oncidium Orchids:
Use a pot with a hole in the bottom to allow excess water to drain out. The plant is a miniature that can live its whole life in a small pot. The orchid has a strongly developed aerial root system, so you need to make sure the plant roots are always well-ventilated, water sparingly, and keep the soil slightly moist. Can be planted in driftwood or potted like other orchids. The pot needs to have holes to help the roots breathe. Charcoal, moss, coconut fiber, pine bark,… or mix that contains fir bark and peat moss or charcolare substrates. Note that before planting, you need to clean the substrate.

2) Light for Oncidium Orchids:
Find an area indoors that provides shaded light to lightly shaded light, should put it near the nature light and windy. Avoid placing the orchid in direct sunlight since Twinkle orchids don’t tolerate direct sunlight well. Depending on the weather, Oncidium orchids may be placed outside in a shady location or under the tree in your garden.

3) Oncidium Temperature Preference:

Growth temperature: 20 – 25 degrees Celsius.

Humidity: 40 – 60%.

4) Watering Oncidium Orchids:
Water the orchid until water begins to drain out of the bottom of the pot. Check back in five minutes and empty any excess water that remains in the drainage area below the pot.

5) Fertilizing Oncidium Orchids:
Add orchid fertilizer to the mix twince a month.


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